We use our Nursery Education Grant funding and parent fees to cover the day-to-day running of pre school such as the rent, staff wages and craft materials. When it comes to extra equipment and resources (especially some of the larger purchases such as the climbing frame and playhouse), we often need to raise funds to help with the costs – in the past we have had generous donations from both the Co-op and Tesco. We also use fundraising donations to pay for the Christmas party presents and for the entertainer, etc for our annual summer funday and any parental donations are often used to supplement other resources such as the construction set shown above.

How you can help raise funds for Olney Pre-School

We have a number of easy ways for you to help us raise funds including:

Fund Raising Events

We will have various fund raising events over the year which we always require help for. It’s a fun way of getting together with other parents/carers and helping Olney Pre-School. Our main event is normally for the town’s Dickens Christmas fair and help is always needed, both by providing cakes, raffle prizes and running the stall on the day. We also have sponsored pancake races each year which raises a substantial amount.


Easy2name operates a very successful fundraising scheme which is a great way to raise funds when you buy your name labels for your child. Any orders at www.easy2name.com gives us commission and there is a 20% discount and free postage if you use the discount code FR-OLNEY-42