On this page we are trying to draw together some of the different information on health and development of young children. We have experience in supporting children with a range of long term health conditions (eg allergies) and tailor our support according to the child’s needs. On entry to pre-school we request that we are made aware of any health issues and if any regular medication is required then we have a medicine administration form to be completed.

If you are unsure whether your child is well enough to attend pre-school, here is a link to the NHS guidance Is my child too ill for school? – NHS and for easy reference our illness exclusion list is given below (this is included in your ‘Guide to Olney Pre-School’ which you receive in your new starters pack):

ILLNESSRECOMMENDED PERIOD OF EXCLUSION See the current UK Health Security HPECS Guidance in the Pre-School Cloakroom Area for more details
Vomiting/Diarrhoea  Until 48 hours after it ceases
Respiratory infections including COVID-19Shouldn’t attend if have high temperature and are unwell. If positive test until 3 days after day of test. 
Chicken pox and shingles  At least 5 days from onset of rash and until all blisters have crusted over
Hand, foot and mouth  
Until rash is dry or 48 hours if antibiotics given  
4 days from onset of rash
Meningitis (B & C)*  
Meningitis viral*  
5 days from start of swelling
Rubella* (German Measles)  5 days from start of rash  
Scarlet fever*  
Until after first treatment  
Until 24 hours after commencement of antibiotics
Scarletina  On advice of doctor
Fifth disease (slapped cheek) Parvovirus B1  None (once rash has developed)
Swine flu/flu  Until recovered
Thread worm None
Whooping Cough (pertussis)*  Until 2 days after commencing antibiotics or 21 days if no treatment given  
Other illnesses, including typhoid, tuberculosis & hepatitis A    See full details in PHE guidance at Pre-School
Head liceNo need to exclude provided treatment is under way.  Pre-school reserves the right to exclude if condition persists. (see info leaflet below)

* denotes a notifiable disease

For any illness not listed we will check with relevant health professionals.

The potty training guides given below are published by ERIC (The Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity) and have some very handy hints.

Oral health is also very important so here is a link to a video about tooth brushing https://www.bspd.co.uk/Kidsvids and there is a lot of information in the following document form Public Health England about encouraging children to brush their teeth regularly:

In addition to the choking information to be found on our lunch club page, here are some more guidelines and also what to do if your child chokes.