Olney Pre-School is affiliated to the Early Years Alliance and run as a not-for profit charity with most of our funding coming from the Nursery Education Grant. All children are eligible for 15 hours free childcare from the full term after they turn 3 (cut off dates are 31st March, August and December) and this is applied for by the pre-school on your behalf. We can also take Working Parent Extended hours funding which gives 15 hours extra per week for 3 and 4 year olds (30 hours per week in total) or 15 hours per week for 2 year old children. For any unfunded hours or sessions, our current fees are £5 per hour and £12.50 per session. We invoice each half term and require payment within the first 2 weeks of the relevant payment period by cash, cheque or our preferred method of internet banking – we can also accept payment from tax-free childcare accounts, if you need any details, please ask.

We are also able to take Time for Twos funding for anyone eligible – this is currently available to families who meet certain criteria. For more information and to apply, please visit the Milton Keynes website at https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/children-young-people-and-families/time-twos.

Other funding information can be found on the government’s Childcare Choices website – this includes details and links to apply for the extended entitlement for working families, help with costs if you are on Universal Credit and tax-free childcare. If you are looking at applying for either 2 year old funding (or 9-23 months funding) the government has issued a FAQ sheet which has answers to a lot of your questions and also links to apply. The main details of the funding available (and if relevant, from when) are shown below: