Here are some photographs from our Open Morning of the 2 year old room set up to go – we’re looking forward to welcoming our new children in September!
Open Morning 2023
Exciting news!
As some of you are now aware and as a result of the amazing support from the Town Clerk and Olney Town Council, we will be able to offer places for two year olds from September 2023. We will have the use of an additional room within the Olney Centre, with direct access to our current rooms, which will be run as a stand-alone two year old room. Sessions will be available each morning from 9.00am until 11.30am. These will be charged at £12.50 per session or will be free to any child in receipt of Time for Twos funding.
If you would like to add your child to our waiting list, either to start in September or later, please email us at [email protected] with your child’s name, date of birth, your home address and a contact phone number. Please note that priority will be given to those children living within Olney and the close surrounding villages. Session request forms will be sent out to those on our waiting list after the Easter holidays by email.
Long term plans 2022/3
We’ve updated our long term plans for the following year and you can download a copy of our outline plans for the coming school year here.
You can also download a copy of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum that we use and the End of Pre-School Goals that we aim to achieve for each child.
Time changes in September
More work in the garden!
Our #bagsofhelp project is finished and we now have a plaque from@tesco to show their support. Our grant from the Tesco Bags of Help community fund has enabled us to extend the garden safety surface down the bike path, including road markings, a roundabout and parking bays for lots of imaginative play. As you can see it’s very popular!
Our new garden
Here are the pictures from our fundraising last year and the work that was done in the garden back in September. A big thank you needs to go to the Olney Co-op who raised a whopping £3729 through their Community Fund, Olney Town Council for their very generous donation of £3000, the MKC Ward Coucillors (£380) and the Olney Masonic Club (£250). This was s significant investment for our Pre-School and we are so grateful for all support we have received. Thank you everyone!